Biolermakers Northeaster Area JATC
Boilermakers are responsible for assembling, erecting, and maintaining boilers, tanks, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, calandrias, pollution control systems, furnaces, condensers, water towers, penstocks an scroll cas- ings using hoisting, rigging, welding equipment, tools and hardware as required by drawings, specifications, and applicable codes and standards.
Boilermakers Northeastern Area JATC
Length of Apprenticeship:
-Four (4) years.
-Apprentices must attend 576 classroom hours of training.
-Apprentices must complete 6,000 on-the-job hours to graduate from the program.
-1st Year: 65% of Journeyperson’s Wage. -2nd Year: 70% of Journeyperson’s Wage. -3rd Year: 80% of Journeyperson’s Wage. -4th Year: 90% of Journeyperson’s Wage.
Basic Requirements:
-Must be at least 18 years old
-Must have a high school diploma or G.E.D. certificate.
Application Process:
Applications will be distributed on the LAST Friday of every month from 8:00 to 11:00 am.
Jason Dupuis, Dir.
Boilermakers Northeastern Area JATC 297Burnside Ave
East Hartford, CT 06108
Tel: (860) 569-8368
Fax: (860) 291-0802
Mail to:Jasondupuis90@aol.com
Tom Saccoach, Business Manager Boilermakers Local 29
68 Sagamore Street
North Quincy, MA 02171Tel: (617) 328-8400
Fax: (617) 328-7582
Mail to:toms@bmlocal29.org http://www.bmlocal29.org/